
E-Cat and cold fusion: Andrea Rossi replies to Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson

Brian Josephson joins Francesco Celani's call for further scientific tests of Andera Rossi's E-Cat, but Rossi has different plans.

A few days ago, an eminent italian physicist asked Focus to host an open letter to Andrea Rossi to call for a scientific test of his device. Then it was Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson turn to stress the importance of such a test: it wouldn't just satisfy some scientist's curiosity, it would benefit Rossi himself. But in the inventor's ideas, the market itself will test the E-Cat.

To emphasize his position, Rossi is today in the USA where he plans to meet Sen. Bruce Tarr and the representatives of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Massachusetts and Northeastern University, to «explore the prospects of developing the device and producing it in Massachusetts», Tarr states: «Mr. Rossi's reactor, if successfully proven and developed, has the potential to change the way the world deals with energy».

Dear Professor Josephson,
I do understand your concerns, but as I already explained, I am not going to give any other demonstration of the E-Cat because at this point it wouldn't make any sense: we already got industrial manufacturing underway and the E-Cat is a ready product for the market. Our customers will buy a working device; if it didn't work, they wouldn't buy it. Besides, I'm in such a busy and demanding stage that, even if I wanted, I wouldn't have the time to arrange any test.

Please allow me to underline that professor Celani is not just a scientist, but a competitor too. This is one of the reasons I cannot accept his offer. The market plays by different rules than the academic world, and even if I realize that a scientist needs to know and understand the theory, I need to protect my invention, if not I could lose my job. Please try to understand my point, I don't mean to disregard the scientific needs. I would like to remind everyone that we are working on that too: in my letter to professor Celani, I explained that the university of Bologna is about to start a complete work of research on the E-Cat; not to mention that the positive feedback from a 30 years experienced customer should drive all doubts away.

A question seems to be legitimate here.
Why are you suggesting me to take Francesco Celani's offer? Don't you think that a complete study from a university is precisely what is needed, with regard to the theoretical and engineering develop? Don't you think that, with regard to the scientific praxis and credits, it would be more appropriate to rely on the university than on an individual researcher?

In summary, I don't intend to give any other dimostrative test: the last one has been the one of Oct, 6th. We are selling plants to customers who run their own tests and decide whether to buy the E-Cat or not relying on their results: they don't mind what's inside the reactor. Meanwhile, the university of Bologna will take scrupulous care of the scientific work. If the DECC, or any other public or private organization, has taken an interest in this technology, I suggest them to get in touch and discuss any possible business agreement with me.

Thank you for your support and your balance in pointing out to me such important and sensitive questions.
Best regards
Andrea Rossi

23 novembre 2011 Irene Zreick
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