
WikiVet and Mars Petcare Announce New Materials on Cat and Dog Nutrition for Health

- BRUSSELS, June 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

Collaboration launches new online veterinary educational materials to improve understanding of cat and dog nutrition and its role in preventative healthcare

WikiVet and Mars Petcare today launched new veterinary educational materials focused on cat and dog nutrition and its role in health and wellbeing. Through an exciting collaboration, WikiVet and Mars Petcare continue to improve the quality and reach of reference materials available to veterinary students, practicing veterinarians, and vet nurses.

(Photo: )

"Nutrition plays a crucial role in the health and wellbeing of pets," said Dr Richard Butterwick, Principal Nutrition Scientist, WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, Mars Petcare. "We are excited to combine our expertise in pet nutrition with WikiVet's dynamic site, driving greater awareness of the important link between nutrition and health."

Based on extensive research and scientific knowledge, subject matter will include: differing nutritional requirements of cats and dogs; essential nutrients, their role and biological function; and consequences of deficiency and signs of toxicity. The materials will feature resources written by world leading experts in pet nutrition including Dr. Dan Chan, Senior Lecturer at Royal Veterinary College, University of London and Dr. Lisa Weeth, Veterinary Clinical Nutritionist.

"We are very pleased to continue working with Mars Petcare and believe these materials will help the veterinary profession strengthen their understanding of cat and dog nutrition and the importance of the right nutrition for a healthy life," said Nick Short, Head of the eMedia Unit, Royal Veterinary College.

The WikiVet Cat and Dog Nutrition chapter will be freely available online to all users of WikiVet through

About WikiVet

WikiVet is a collaborative resource that aims to support and enhance veterinary education worldwide through the development of high quality web-based knowledge and learning content. Providing users with a comprehensive knowledge base, its goal is to become the most respected and largest online educational resource for the international veterinary community.

Launched in 2007, WikiVet was formed by four UK veterinary schools at the Royal Veterinary College, Edinburgh, Nottingham and Cambridge Universities. It has now grown to include over 20 additional international vet schools and partners. The site has more than 43,000 members from over 90 countries, and offers close to 5,000 pages of material. More information about WikiVet can be found at

Mars Petcare

Mars Petcare is the world's leading petfood and veterinary care business that strives to make A Better World for Pets® every day.

Mars Petcare believes that pets make our lives better and that pet ownership brings joy and benefits which should be accessible to everyone. Mars Petcare has a total of 35 brands in our portfolio, including billion dollar brands PEDIGREE®, WHISKAS®, ROYAL CANIN®, BANFIELD®, and IAMS®. Other leading brands include: CESAR®, NUTRO®, SHEBA®, DREAMIES®, KITEKAT®, CHAPPI®, CATSAN®, FROLIC®, PERFECT FIT®, GREENIES®, EUKANUBA® and NATURA®. Key specialty brands include: Mars Fishcare: API®, Aquarian®, Rena®, Pondcare®; Mars Horsecare: Winergy®, Spillers®, Buckeye® Equivite®; the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, a leading scientific authority on pet nutrition and wellbeing. Mars Petcare has more than 37,000 Associates worldwide. More information can be found at

3 giugno 2015 ADNKronos
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