
PASCOE is One of Europe's Best Employers in 2015

- LUXEMBOURG, June 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

"Best Workplaces in Europe 2015"

The naturopathic medicine manufacturer in Gießen (Germany) is among the 100 best employers in Europe. The company was selected from among 2,300 applicants from 19 countries.

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Among these countries were Italy, Spain, England, Norway, Sweden, France and Finland.

The list of the best companies was published, and the prizes presented to them, by the GPTW Institute:

Jürgen F. Pascoe, CEO, accepted the international prize yesterday in Luxembourg. "We are extremely proud to have received this international recognition in addition to our national awards. Heartfelt thanks go out to our employees: It wasn't a jury that decided, it was the employees themselves."

In the runup to the "Best Workplaces in Europe 2015" awards,

a representative employee survey was carried out covering central workplace themes such as trust in management, managerial behavior, recognition, identification, professional development, team spirit, work-life balance and health promotion. A "Culture Audit" also assessed the quality of corporate personnel and managerial actions. A major focus of the award was the presence of a management culture that inspires and provides recognition to employees.

Annette D. Pascoe, Managing Director: "Europe is the cradle of Western naturopathic medicine. It is a source of joy to all of us to produce our medicinal products with maximum motivation and enthusiasm for millions of people every day and to be able to distribute these products throughout the world. Because: Health is wealth! It touches people all over the world."

PASCOE Naturmedizin is an international corporation that exports many of its over 200 products to 30 countries worldwide. PASCOE has been producing top-quality naturopathic medicines for over 120 years - Made in Germany. These products include vitamin infusions such a high-dose vitamin C (Pascorbin®). The corporation has offices in Vienna and Toronto.

The multicultural workforce of this Hessian family business is a source of international awareness, since diversity is the best way serve our target markets optimally.

Press Contact PASCOEStefanie Wagner-Suske Publicity and Public Relations Schiffenberger Weg 55 35394 Giessen, Germany Tel. +49 641 7960-330 Email:

9 giugno 2015 ADNKronos
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