
New OkuStim® Data to be Featured at EURETINA Congress 2015

- Post-market Studies Confirm Safety of Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation (TES) in Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa and Suggest Efficacy Benefits

NICE, France, Sept. 17, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Okuvision GmbH, the leading developer of transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES) therapy for early and intermediate stage retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients, announced today that post-market clinical data of the Company's CE marked OkuStim® treatment will be presented at the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) Congress 2015. Key findings from the TESOLA and EST II studies will be presented by Dr. Lubka Naycheva, specialist and head of the outpatient clinic at the University Eye Hospital Frankfurt, Germany at the retina industry's leading conference, now in its 15th year, taking place 17-20 September in Nice, France.

The presentation titled "Identifying High and Low Responders to Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation Treatment for Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa" highlights results from the EST II study which included 63 patients. Patients received OkuStim treatment for 30 minutes weekly over a one year period. In addition to confirming safety of OkuStim therapy, very convincing and statistically significant improvements in electrophysiology data were shown. Dr. Naycheva will provide more details on the study's findings, including the changes in patient's visual fields, during her poster presentation number 7705 17 - 20 September 2015 in Acropolis, Nice.

Dr. Naycheva's second presentation titled "Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation Treatment for Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa – Summary of Results from the TESOLA Study – a Multicentric Observational Study" highlights the results of 105 patients who were treated with OkuStim for 30 minutes weekly over a period of six months. The majority of patients reported satisfaction with the therapy. Further information on the study's findings will be presented as a free paper scheduled for Thursday, 17 September at 02:40 PM, Room Calliope, Acropolis as well as a poster presentation number 7679 17 - 20 September 2015 in Acropolis, Nice.

Speaking of the upcoming presentations, Reinhard Rubow, CEO of Okuvision said: "So far, our solid clinical studies clearly demonstrate that OkuStim therapy is safe and effective at slowing the progression of RP, although not all patients benefit equally from it. We continue to analyse our data to better understand the similarities among the patients, who benefit the most from the therapy."

OkuStim delivers individually adjusted levels of TES, with the goal of slowing the progression of RP-related blindness. During the treatment, patients might feel a slight ocular sensation, but no discomfort or pain. The most common side effects are symptoms of a dry eye, which improve right after application of artificial tears.

During the Congress, which runs from 17th – 20th September, more information on Okuvision GmbH, OkuStim and parent company Retina Implant AG can be found at booth M112.

About Okuvision GmbHFounded by the leaders of Retina Implant AG in 2007, Okuvision GmbH is an innovator in the field of transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES) therapy for patients with early and intermediate stage retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Building on the lessons learned through the use of Retina Implant's subretinal implant technology, Okuvision was founded with the goal of developing a treatment for RP. In December 2011 OkuStim® received CE mark approval for use as a treatment to help delay the progression of RP. To learn more, please visit:

17 settembre 2015 ADNKronos
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