
MEDTEC Japan 2016 to be Held in April 2016

- TOKYO, Dec. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- MEDTEC Japan 2016, Asia's largest exhibition and conference dedicated to the Medical Device Design and Manufacturing industry, is to be held in Tokyofrom 20th- 22ndApril 2016.

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Over 500 exhibitors from approximately 25 countries around the world will be exhibiting their latest technologies and services to address the second largest Medical Device market in the world, only after the United States. With the aging population and the government back up, the Medical Device is one of the few markets continuing to grow steadily.

Over 30,000 visitors are expected to attend the event from nearly 30 countries, including the United States, Europe, ASEAN countries, China, Korea and many more.

MEDTEC Japan is known for its targeted visitors, with over 60% of visitors originating from Medical Device Manufacturers.

Terumo, Olympus, Panasonic Healthcare, Hitachi Aloka, Nihon Kohden, Omron, Nipro, JMS, and Toshiba Medical Systems are some of the top names of companies visiting MEDTEC Japan.

MEDTEC Japan consists of 9 specific areas:

MEDTEC Japan will also be co-located with 4 other shows:

(ICs, Sensors, Processors, EDAs, Laser Technologies, Batteries, Power/Adapters, Camera, Monitor, MEMS technology, Graphics Interface, Motors, X-ray, CT, MRI, etc.)

(Wearable devices, Apps, Software, OS, Interface Hardware, Health Entertainment, wireless technology, telecommunication equipments, carrier, etc.)

(Finished products/Manufacturing technologies and parts/materials of Test Kits such as Blood Test Kit, Flu Test Kit, Allergy Test Kit, STD Test Kits, Cancer Test Kit, DNA Test Kits, etc.)

(Manufacturing and developing of Care support Robots/Machine, communication robots, rehabilitation and welfare devices, etc.)

Exhibitor booking for booth reservation is possible until 18thMarch 2016.

For details, please contact:

Visitors will be able to attend the show for free if registered online.

More details regarding registration will be ready in January on the official website:

Release source:

UBM Canon Japan G.K. 2F, Kanda 91 Building, 1-8-3 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0044 URL:

1 dicembre 2015 ADNKronos
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