
Dutch Doctors Launch Revolutionary App to Disrupt and Do Good

- Dutch surgeons have launched a ground-breaking medical app to help doctors share their best practices around the world and treat patients on a global scale. Medical professionals from Europe, Africa, Asia and the US have already signed up for the app, which combines live streaming with instant messaging and networking in a totally secure environment.


"Imagine a doctor for Medicines sans Frontieres in a war zone working together with a surgeon at Harvard to treat a bomb victim via live streaming - that is what MDLinking makes possible," says vascular surgeon Hans Flu. Doctor Flu founded the company with oncological surgeon and former Harvard research fellow in surgery, Gijs van Acker and the helping hand of a large international medical advisory board. As well as direct, double encrypted conversations between doctors, the app also gives access to a curated interactive educational library featuring live streams, training courses, huge volumes of research and in-house point of view, virtual reality and augmented reality productions.

Sharing knowledge

Technology is changing the way the world communicates but the specific needs of doctors - particular confidentiality - have not been properly addressed so far. Research* shows that doctors and nurses are using existing instant messaging services on a very wide scale, despite the privacy concerns.

"We believe we can improve global healthcare by linking doctors and healthcare professionals across the globe, so they can share their medical knowledge in a secure online environment," says Flu.

MDLinking is already talking to a range of organisations, including medical schools across the world and charity healthcare organisations such as Partners in Health, the Aga Khan Development Network and Doctors Without Borders about taking collective medical knowledge to the five billion people in low income countries with little access to healthcare.


"The combination of connecting, communicating and educating on a global scale in the medical field, is what makes MDLinking unique and a very valuable investment opportunity," says early stage investor Alec Behrens, who was one of the founders of The company has already raised €2.5m in seed funding from a number of informal investors and is raising an additional €15m in a serie A funding round.


Healthcare professionals who want to use the app have to through a tough credentials check before they will be admitted to the system. The MDLinking app is fully certified by Deloitte Assuring Medical Apps in line with the rules of the Dutch health ministry and Dutch privacy watchdog CBP.

(More on our security:

* 000062.full


Further information

For further information or a personal interview with doctor Hans Flu, early stage investor Alec Behrens or a doctor who is already using the platform and app, you can call +31-20-2610830 or send us an email at

For photo material, please visit our page.

If you are interested in our in-house produced Point-of-View e-learning material, please check or as an example. If you are interested in our in-house produced or Virtual Reality / 360 e-learning material, please check as an example.

24 maggio 2016 ADNKronos
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Scopri il mondo Focus. Ogni mese in edicola potrai scegliere la rivista che più di appassiona. Focus il magazine di divulgazione scientifica più letto in Italia, Focus Storia per conoscere la storia in modo nuovo ed avvincente e Focus Domande & Risposte per chi ama l'intrattenimento curioso e intelligente.

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