
Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research Issues 2016 Call for Nominations

- NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey, Jan. 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research today opens its 2016 call for nominations. This prestigious award recognizes individuals whose basic or clinical discoveries have made, or have the potential to make, significant contributions toward improving human health. Nominations will be accepted until February 29, 2016 at for consideration by an independent selection committee of world-renowned scientists. A $200,000 cash prize will be awarded to the scientist or group of scientists receiving the Award.

The Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research honors Dr. Paul Janssen (1926-2003), who is widely recognized as one of the most productive pharmaceutical scientists of the 20th century. Widely known in the scientific community as "Dr. Paul", Janssen was responsible for breakthrough treatments in key disease areas including pain management, psychiatry, infectious disease and gastroenterology, and founded Janssen Pharmaceutica, N.V., now part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies.

"Johnson & Johnson is proud to honor the legacy of Dr. Paul and celebrate today's outstanding scientists whose work has the potential to transform human health," said Paul Stoffels, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer and Worldwide Chairman, Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson. "Scientific innovation has proven its tremendous value to individuals and society by extending and improving lives. We must continue to celebrate and reward researchers and innovators whose passion and ideas help advance new healthcare solutions that address the needs of patients around the world."

In 2015, the Dr. Paul Janssen Award recognized cancer research visionary Dr. Bert Vogelstein, director of the Ludwig Center at Johns Hopkins. Vogelstein was honored for his groundbreaking studies of human cancer that have spanned more than two decades and have provided the most complete outline of human cancer progression.

"Dr. Paul was driven by a desire to solve problems on behalf of patients," said Michael S. Brown, M.D., Paul J. Thomas Professor of Molecular Genetics and Director of the Jonsson Center for Molecular Genetics at UT Southwestern, and Chair of the 2016 Dr. Paul Janssen Award selection committee. "He recognized that all clinical advances stem from the interplay between clinical insight and fundamental biologic discovery. These are the discoveries that we aim to honor in Dr. Paul's memory."

Previous Award winners include:

To learn more about past Dr. Paul Janssen Award winners, visit

The 2016 Dr. Paul Janssen Award winner will be announced in spring 2016.

About The Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research Established by Johnson & Johnson, The Dr.

Paul Janssen Award salutes the most passionate and creative scientists in basic or clinical research whose scientific achievements have made, or have strong potential to make, a measurable impact on human health. The Award is named after the scientist who founded Janssen Pharmaceutica, N.V. in 1953. Known to his colleagues as "Dr. Paul," Janssen helped save millions of lives through his contribution to the discovery and development of more than 80 medicines, four of which remain on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines. In 1961, Janssen Pharmaceutica, N.V. joined the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. Janssen's legacy continues to inspire Johnson & Johnson and its commitment to finding innovative cures for unmet medical needs. Visit for more information.

About Johnson & Johnson Caring for the world one person at a time inspires and unites the people of Johnson & Johnson. We embrace research and science - bringing innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people. Our approximately 128,000 employees at more than 265 Johnson & Johnson operating companies work with partners in health care to touch the lives of over a billion people every day, throughout the world.

Press Contacts: Seema Kumar 908-405-1144 (M)

Diane Pressman908-927-6171 (O)

Frederik Wittock +32 14 60 57 24 (O)

5 gennaio 2016 ADNKronos
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