
CROMSOURCE Launches TalentSource Life Sciences Staffing Solutions Service

- VERONA, Italy, June 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

CROMSOURCE today announces the launch of TalentSource Life Sciences, a new name and brand identity for its established staffing solutions service for the clinical life sciences industry. The new brand name reflects TalentSource Life Sciences' commitment to providing talented experts who make strong contributions within their roles at client companies. The logo selected for the brand combines an image of a figure with outstretched arms ready to assist, with a stylized double helix, reflective of the fact that clinical research is in the corporate DNA of TalentSource Life Sciences.

(Logo: )

'In our industry, the influence of generalist staffing agencies has grown over recent years,' noted Sabine Hutchison, a respected industry executive who recently joined CROMSOURCE as a consultant to lead the TalentSource Life Sciences division. 'In contrast, our customers tell us that they appreciate the expertise of the professionals we provide, the support that we give them, and the value of a partner that truly understands the business in which they operate.'

'After over 20 years of success under the CROMSOURCE banner, we felt the time was right to create a new identity for our staffing solutions service,' noted Oriana Zerbini, CEO of CROMSOURCE. 'In doing so we wanted to emphasize our philosophy of flexibly providing the most highly trained, well supported experts in the business, who can call on the expertise of CROMSOURCE to support them and the work of our clients.'

About CROMSOURCE: Founded in 1994, CROMSOURCE is the leading independent provider of comprehensive international outsourced services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries, specialized in clinical development and staffing solutions across Europe and North America.

Contact: Margherita Mosconi CROMSOURCE Phone: +39-045-8222811 Fax: +39-045-8222812 (European Headquarters) Via Giorgio De Sandre, 3 37135 Verona, Italy

9 giugno 2015 ADNKronos
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